Our Founder’s Story

Meet Sharon Richardson
I was once on the never-ending treadmill to find relief from ignored ongoing back conditions and old injuries that caused permanent body imbalance. This resulted in a very real possibility of permanent incapacity and a life of pain.
I spent more than 20 years endlessly searching for pain relief, travelling many miles, and trying everything, from back streets to high streets, trying to find a solution.
I started to bring together a team of practitioners that were helpful to me and noticed that my life was not centred around pain anymore.
It was this point I had another breakthrough. What if that team had been put together before I started looking?
I came up with Madison Healthstyle to get my Chiropractic and Circulation Therapies all under one roof.
I worked with a wonderful team to create our unique Madison Assessment Program (MAP); a new way to assess your problems in an evidence-based way to determine the best course of action. Treatment is tailored to your unique needs with our multi-disciplined professional practitioners available to help you.
My life experience means I really do know all about the client’s side of the table.
My vision is only in the beginning stages for how we can put clients like you and I first to get the right outcomes in our health.