Stress Busting Tips for 2021

Our Stress Busters for 2021 are here, now.
We know 2020 was a ‘less than great’ year for many people, and that Blue Monday 18th January is often known as the ‘most depressing day of the year’ -- but not here at Madison Healthstyle!
Check out the video below for our Top 5 Stress Busters for 2021 -- share it with a friend, as it is always nice help someone you know too.
If you would like to chat with us about anything you see in our tips videos, or anything health related, you can contact us a any one of our Gold Coast locations -- Coolangatta, Robina, Parkwood, or Southport.
Video transcript --
Welcome to Madison Healthstyle this Blue Monday.
Blue Monday is only a relatively new thing and it’s the idea that this is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. But we’re looking to do better than this year because 2021 has to be a better year than 2020.
So what we’ve done is we’ve come up with five blue Monday-busting tips for you.
Tip No.1 --
The first one is take a break.
Take a moment, take that moment out of your day just to be still and relax. It’s amazing the difference that that sort of thing can make in your day.
Tip No.2 --
Number two, if you are having issues, if you’re having problems with your mental health or you think that you’ve got just too much building up right now, acknowledge that you have potentially a problem and seek some help, talk to somebody who might be able to help.
Tip No.3 --
Number three, ditch a bad habit. Everyone’s got something that they know is a bad habit and we’re close enough to the start of the year for it to still be a New Year’s resolution if you want it to be a New Year’s resolution. But pick something and ditch that habit. Get help to do so if you need but ditch a bad habit.
Tip No.4 --
So number four, create a new habit. There’s always something new you can add to your lifestyle that can be very helpful. Exercise is a great mood lifter, so get out and go for a walk, take the dog for a walk, meet up with some friends and get yourself into an accountability group. Start a new healthy habit.
Tip No.5 --
And number five, I challenge you this year in 2021 to learn a new skill. Learn something new. It doesn’t have to be a new language. You can learn hula hooping, you could learn juggling.
You could learn something new this year to make 2021 a better year than 2020 and bust those blue Monday moods right now.
We’d love to see you in the practice again soon.
If you have any questions about any of those or anything you think we can help you with, just sing out and we’ll be more than happy to help you, live the lifestyle you deserve.