COVID-19 Notice - Gold Coast Residents

Notice to clients of Madison Healthstyle
Updated – Monday 11th January 2021 at 11am QLD time
Today the QLD Government announced that the 3 day lockdown for the Greater Brisbane area is ending at 6pm tonight Monday 11th January 2021 – this currently does not affect the Gold Coast region, however it is prudent to take precautions where they are available to us.
All our locations are open, prepared and ready to help you with your Allied Healthcare needs during this period of restrictions. Masks are NOT required at this time however we have them available for you to use if you wish to request one. Also, if you would like our team to wear a mask when working with you, please just ask, we would be happy to do so.
General information on COVID-19
Sometimes people can be affected by the spread of a new virus like COVID-19 without travelling to affected areas, or knowingly interacting with those who have. Therefore we ask that you advise us if you are feeling unwell and suffering from any of the following symptoms that are unusual for you:
- Fever
- Headache
- Active cough
- Sore throat, runny nose
- Nausea and vomiting
- Joint pain and muscular aches
- Weakness ,fatigue
- Shortness of breath
We recommend you contact your GP or hospital Emergency Department if you suspect you may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus,
We will happily reschedule your appointment to a time in the future to allow you to get better.
For health and wellbeing of other clients in the clinic, it is important that you call and speak to our staff about your health status if you have concerns.
Please note that clients who are actively coughing may be asked to wear a mask as a precaution to reduce the potential risk of spreading an infection whether confirmed as COVID-19 or not.
For further details please visit the World Health Organisation site (click here)
or the QLD Health Department (click here)